Updated: Jan 02, 2024 By: Dessign Team

Are you looking for the Best WordPress cache plugins free cache plugins to speed up your website and optimizes your resources so your website opens in seconds. After a html file is generated your web server will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. You will need a domain name for your website.
All the cache plugins are free and recommended for any WordPress website. Pick the one that fits you the best. Read the short description and install your cache plugin. If you need to learn how to clear your cache in WordPress we have great tutorial for you.
Best Free WordPress Cache Plugins to Lower Page Load Time
1. WP Rocket

Active Installations: 20,000 | Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (100+ Reviews) | Performance: 98% | Updates & Support: Yes | WordPress: 5.3+
WP Rocket Caching creates an ultra-fast load time, essential for improving Search Engine Optimization and increasing conversions. When you turn on WP Rocket, page caching is immediately activated. Because our crawler simulates a visit to preload the cache, the indexing of your website by search engines is instantly improved. WP Rocket reduces the weight of your HTML, JavaScript and CSS files through minification.
Lighter files means faster load time! WP Rocket’s code is developed according to WordPress best practices. It is clean, commented and has loads of hooks so developers can easily make advanced customizations.
2. Hummingbird – Speed up, Cache, Optimize Your CSS and JS

Active Installations: 100,000+ | Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (800+ Reviews) | Performance: 97% | Updates & Support: Yes | WordPress: 5.3+
Hummingbird zips through your site and makes it faster – much faster. Get new ways to boost page speed with fine-tuned controls over file compression, minification and world-class caching. Automate optimization with the Hummingbird utility belt packed with file compression, asset optimization, a complete caching suite, Cloudflare integration and performance monitoring that really gets your site flying!
3. WP Super Cache

Active Installations: 2+ Million | Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (1000+ Reviews) | Performance: 97% | Updates & Support: Yes | WordPress: 5.3+
WP Super Cache This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. Any cache plugin will help improve your SEO performance since your site will open faster with cache then without cache.
4. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache (W3TC) improves the SEO and user experience of your site by increasing website performance and reducing load times by leveraging features like content delivery network (CDN) integration and the latest best practices.
W3TC is the only web host agnostic DNS Web Performance Optimization (WPO) framework for WordPress trusted by millions of publishers, web developers, and web hosts worldwide for more than a decade. It is the total performance solution for optimizing your WordPress Website.
5. WP Fastest Cache

WP Fastest Cache, This plugin creates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog.
When a page is rendered, php and mysql are used. Therefore, system needs RAM and CPU.
If many visitors come to a site, system uses lots of RAM and CPU so page is rendered so slowly.
In this case, you need a cache system not to render page again and again.
Cache system generates a static html file and saves. Other users reach to static html page.
6. Autoptimize

Autoptimize makes optimizing your site really easy. It can aggregate, minify and cache scripts and styles, injects CSS in the page head by default (but can also defer), moves and defers scripts to the footer and minifies HTML. The “Extra” options allow you to async non-aggregated JavaScript, remove WordPress core emoji cruft, optimize Google Fonts and more. As such it can improve your site’s performance even when already on HTTP/2! There is extensive API available to enable you to tailor Autoptimize to each and every site’s specific needs.
7. Light Speed Cache

LS Cache is a server-side page cache. Page caches save time and resources, and they do so by storing the full content of dynamically-generated pages so that static copies may be served to the user. A page cache allows the server to bypass PHP and database queries altogether. LSCache, in particular, because of its close relationship with the server, can remember things about the cache entries that other plugins cannot, and it can analyze dependencies. It can utilize tags to manage the smart purging of the cache, and it can use vary cookies to serve multiple versions of cached content based on things like mobile vs. desktop, geographic location, and currencies.
8. Hyper Cache

Hyper Cache is a cache plugin specifically written to get the maximum
speed for your WordPress blog. It can be used in low resources hosting as well
on high end servers.
9. Comet Cache

If you care about the speed of your site, Comet Cache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed ? Comet Cache takes a real-time snapshot (building a cache) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) intuitively, so they can be referenced later, in order to save all of that processing time that has been dragging your site down and costing you money.
The Comet Cache plugin uses configuration options that you select from the options panel. See: Comet Cache -› Options in your Dashboard. Once a file has been cached, Comet Cache uses advanced techniques that allow it to recognize when it should and should not serve a cached version of the file. By default, Comet Cache does not serve cached pages to users who are logged in, or to users who have left comments recently. Comet Cache also excludes administrative pages, login pages, POST/PUT/DELETE/GET(w/ query string) requests and/or CLI processes.
10. Cache Enabler

The Cache Enabler plugin creates static HTML files and stores them on the servers disk. The web server will deliver the static HTML file and avoids the resource intensive backend processes (core, plugins and database). This WordPress cache engine will improve the performance of your website.
11. Breeze Cache

Breeze is a free, simple (yet powerful) and user-friendly WordPress Caching Plugin developed by the Cloudways team. It offers various options to optimize WordPress performance at various levels. It works equally great with WordPress, WordPress with WooCommerce and WordPress Multisite.
12. Nginx Cache

Nginx Cache, Purge the Nginx cache (FastCGI, Proxy, uWSGI) automatically when content changes or manually within WordPress.
- The Filesystem API needs to function without asking for credentials.
- Nginx and PHP need to run under the same user, or PHP’s user needs write access to Nginx’s cache path.